
5个你应该开启的Chrome Flags功能

如何开启Chrome Flags? Chrome Flags位于Google Chrome浏览器中,并且不受操作系统不同的影响。要打开Chrome Flags设定,只需要在浏览器网址栏输入”chrome://flags/“即可。

How to set Chrome flags

2024年2月19日 — 1. Go to chrome://flags/ and select Reset all ... Enter chrome://flags/ into the address bar and hit Enter. Next, click/tap Reset all in the top- ...

Test experimental features in Chrome

Open Chrome. Next to the address bar, select Experiments . Next to the feature's name and description, select the down arrow and then Enabled.

The 10 best Chrome Flags and how to enable them

2023年11月15日 — Chrome is known for its simplicity and speed, but there are plenty of hidden features. The most interesting are in the Chrome Flags.

The 7 Chrome Flags You Should Enable (And 2 You Shouldn't)

Chrome Flags that make your browsing experience exponentially better · 1. Show Autofill predictions · 2. Tab freeze and discard · 3. Parallel downloading · 4.

What are Chrome flags? | Web Platform

2023年2月8日 — Chrome flags are a way to activate browser features that are not available by default.


42至44之間版本需要啟用NPAPI。 2.啟用NPAPI. 在網址列輸入:「chrome://flags/#enable-npapi」按下enter,會看到「 ...

電腦愈跑愈慢怎麼辦? Chrome flags

Google Chrome 是個會吃電腦記憶體的怪獸. 當你的分頁愈開愈多時, 你的電腦就會愈跑愈慢. 此時the great suspender 就是的你救星, 還可以搭配著Chrome Flags 的設定來 ...


如何开启ChromeFlags?ChromeFlags位于GoogleChrome浏览器中,并且不受操作系统不同的影响。要打开ChromeFlags设定,只需要在浏览器网址栏输入”chrome://flags/“即可。,2024年2月19日—1.Gotochrome://flags/andselectResetall...Enterchrome://flags/intotheaddressbarandhitEnter.Next,click/tapResetallinthetop- ...,OpenChrome.Nexttotheaddressbar,selectExperiments.Nexttothefeature'snameanddescription,selectthedowna...